Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the honorary and biological mothers out there! I hope your weekend was wonderful and relaxing. Market on Saturday was cold, cold, cold. The bright side is that I know our brassicas in the field were so happy in the cold. However, the wind was another story. The wind took out a couple of our cabbage seedlings, which we will likely replace with broccoli. It made me very glad I planted some extra cabbage. We also got to meet some of our CSA members on Saturday, which definitely made our day. Thank you for coming out and know it made us even more excited to begin filling our CSA subscriptions.

Today brought some lovely rain for our plants in the garden and gave us a little break to do some of our rainy day activities. I am brewing some worm tea in order to fertilize our indoor seedlings and outdoor transplants. I have included a picture of the process. It involves using our vermicompost, molasses, and a water pump. I am pretty excited to see its magic. We also used some of our surplus rhubarb to make some delicious jam. Lucky for us we had about half a pint that did not get canned and was going to stay in our refrigerator until we could eat it tomorrow morning. Needless to say, it did not make it until morning. It didn't even make it a half an hour. I will keep the ingredients a surprise but I will tell you it is delicious. Today we are thankful for the rain and the break, but a little anxious to get back into the garden and get back to planting.

1 comment:

  1. Yummy! (the jam I mean, although the worm tea doesn't look that bad). I so wish I was there right now, but I am looking forward to our time on ONF this summer. My mouth is watering for that jam (since I know what is in it). :)
